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World's 10 Most Corrupt Politicians

Surprise, its not our President Asif Ali Zardari who is regarded as the World most corrupt leader. It is Mohamed Suharto, former President of Indonesia(1967-1998) with funds embezzled between $15-25  billion.

TI's global corruption report ranked World's 10 Most Corrupt Leaders. Here is the list:

1. Mohamad Suharto(President of Indonesia)                                    
2. Ferdinand Marcos(President Philippines)
3. Mobutu Sese Seko(President of Zaire)                                
4. Sani Abacha(President Nigeria)                                    
5. Slobodan Milosevic(President Yugoslavia)                                
6. Jean-Claude Duvalier(President of Haiti)
7. Alberto Fujimori(President Peru)
8. Pavlo Lazarenko(PM Ukraine)
9. Arnoldo Aleman(President Nicarague)
10. Joseph Estrada(President Philippines)

Source: TI's Global Corruption Report 2004                                              


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