There is being a big big debate for centuries whether universe is born as an accident or there is someone behind all it... Though no one can yet proved any absolute means of the creation of this universe. Theories are made, Big bang, religious theories etc. but still men is unable to reach the final point. I tried myself, whether God exist as per religion, who did that or No one exist as per atheism, and it is an accident. What I believe is, we cant prove the mean of creation of this world, but creation of man, can be a topic of mere argument. See, everyone knows, for human, it is necessary to have a partner to avoid their extinction, and now considering the first man I mean Adam in terms of religion, is alone in this world, let suppose he is made because of an ACCIDENT, perhaps possible. But what about eve, or the first woman of this world? Accident can occur, but two accidents at a same time, with so much perfection that they made a pair, is not possible at all. We are in existence s...