Following the orders of Hajjaj Bin Yousuf, the Governer of Iraq & Caliph Al-Malik-ibn-abd-al-Malik in order to free Muslims Women & children of Ceylon, Muhammad Bin Qasim at the age of 17 only, conquered Sindh by defeating Raja Dahir, the ruler of Sindh at that time. Due to his extra ordinary capabilities, he further proceeded to southern part of Punjab. As he was underway in his goal to win hearts of the people of India in exposing them to Islam, Governer Iraq, Hujjaj Bin Yousuf died. The Caliph at that time, Suleyman bin Abdul-Malik who was not happy with Hujjaj Bin Yousuf on the political ground, so after his death Suleyman called off all those who are closer to Hujjaj Bin Yousuf including Muhammad Bin Qasim. On Qasim's return, he was put in jail and was tortured to death there