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Assassinated Politicians of Pakistan

Here is the list of all the Pakistanis Politicians who are assassinated by targeted murder. Which one u missed the most ? 1. Liaquat Ali Khan (Muslim League) - 16 October 1951 2. Azeem Ahmed Tariq (Muhajir Qaumi Movement) - 1 May 1993 3. Salmaan Taseer (PPP) - 4 January 2011 4. Benazir Bhutto (PPP) - 27 December 2007 5. Allama Hassan Turabi (MMA) - 14 July 2006 6. Shahbaz Bhatti (PPP) - 2 March 2011 7. Akbar Bugti (Jamhori Waten Party) - 26 August 2006 8. Shahnawaz Bhutto (PPP) - 18 July 1985 9. Abdul Razik Bugti - 27 July 2007 10. Murtaza Bhutto (PPP) - 20 September 1996 11. Bungal Bugti - 9 May 2008 12. Bungan Bugti - 2007 13. Rustam Jamali - 6 August 2009 14. Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan (Republican Party) - 9 May 1958 15. Hayat Sherpao (PPP) - 8 February 1975 16. Zil-e-Huma Usman - 20 February 2007 17. Hussain Ali Yousafi (HDP) - 26 January 2009

Richest Politicians for the Poors

Abraham Lincoln once quoted that if one wants to check someones character, give him the power. Today the statistics clearly shows how genius Abraham Lincoln was. These politicians are so rich that they run for Presidency by spending a lot of money on Election Campaign, infact I must say “INVESTING” on election Campaign because for them, it is just a business to govern a country and get the return of their “Investment” by using their “Powers”. The obvious examples can be seen as elections campaign in India and ofcourse Pakistan, where almost all the politicians are feuds and are at least the millionaires in Dollars either it is PPP, PML-N or PML-Q. Besides, this is sad that the statistics shows that mostly the poorest countries have the richest politicians. So why not to expect that there will be a revolution, why not the people of a poor country will rebel and put up arms and fight against the one in power just like what is happening in Libya against Muammer Gaddafi who was in ...

World of HEART only

21st century can be consider as a world of heart only. Argument seems weak but let me define some facts. Philosophers has already called this era as world of music which has concerns with Heart. but yes on the other side they have like thousands of think tanks and philosophical schools working concern in whole world concerns with brain, hence contradicting my argument.Variety of subjects are introduced in philosophical thoughts like political science etc. Which almost daily produces different arguments better than the previous one. Good it? The world of rationality and mind is here right now among us. But heres what i think... In our daily life we choose to live how we have to live, as a doctor,engineer, teacher etc. This decision contains rationality,that the occupation which is more profitable and suites your way of living, and you really LIKE it. So heres the combination of mind and heart. A better thing, but it is being seen that a man who wishes something will always f...

Existence.... Accident or Planned?

There is being a big big debate for centuries whether universe is born as an accident or there is someone behind all it... Though no one can yet proved any absolute means of the creation of this universe. Theories are made, Big bang, religious theories etc. but still men is unable to reach the final point. I tried myself, whether God exist as per religion, who did that or No one exist as per atheism, and it is an accident. What I believe is, we cant prove the mean of creation of this world, but creation of man, can be a topic of mere argument. See, everyone knows, for human, it is necessary to have a partner to avoid their extinction, and now considering the first man I mean Adam in terms of religion, is alone in this world, let suppose he is made because of an ACCIDENT, perhaps possible. But what about eve, or the first woman of this world? Accident can occur, but two accidents at a same time, with so much perfection that they made a pair, is not possible at all. We are in existence s...

Rationality or Ignorance from Religion?

Late night I am awake wondering about this racism, stereotyping and daily killings, robbery and thefts in this world. Why ? Why it is happening? Why everyone in this world cant live with one mutual ethics and morality? Why some poor men thinks rich people are not deserve to live? And Vice versa. Why this unbalanced social system? Why this political instability?This makes me think like for days to find out, WHY ? I believe that this is because of WE.The most hurtful thing that I see among people is their distance from their religion. We made our life based on our own assumption of purpose of life. Some wants to live life full of fun, some wants money, some fame, some social. Despite of the fact that religion did not mention all these as the PURPOSE of life, but something else. Their this thought led them become ignorant, they set their own rational argument which they think is totally unskeptical. They become deaf, they wont listen to anyone. Hence, with this thought, we can expect a w...